Keeping Bitcoin Anonymous in 2020

Gold and Crypto

One of the biggest appeal to crypto in the ‘early years’ was its anonymity. The ability to send P2P (peer-to-peer) whatever you wanted without the prying eye of various tax, government or banking authorities fueled a big part of the crypto boom.

The growth and often nefarious usage soon enough caught the eye of the central banking authorities and there has been a constant cat and mouse battle between authorities and the crypto community over anonymity.

Under the banner of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) legislation, the crypto world has come under pressure to remove the anonymity from the bitcoin and crypto sphere. However, technology is advancing and new ways are being found to keep the anonymity in digital currencies.

Why use a Bitcoin Tumbler?

A bitcoin tumbler is a great way to not only keep away the hackers, but safeguards your privacy and keeps your bitcoin transactions anonymous.

It’s an impressive tool that allows you to maintain your anonymity when making purchases online.

It can also be used to makep2p payments and donations and fundamentally works by mixing a person’s funds and sending back new bitcoins. The emphasis is on making sure that the blender has the ability to confuse the trail to make the source untraceable to anyone.

The best mixers easily found online provide the best anonymity, ensuring each bitcoin transaction is impossible to trace. Bitcoin mixing service protects your income and personal information from hackers and other interested parties. Simple lockchain analysis could otherwise enable hackers and other third parties to track your personal data and breach any privacy and security you may have.

There’s still a long battle ahead for anonymity, but bitcoin mixers and tumblers are helping even the playing field in a fight between the little guy and big governments, criminal gangs and banking cartels.