Tips To Keep Your Utility Bill Off The Naughty List This Year

Tips To Keep Your Utility Bill Off The Naughty List This Year

Reasons You Might Have A Higher Utility Bill In The Winter
There are several reasons why you may be experiencing a higher than normal utility bill during the winter months. By paying attention to these causes you may be able to make conscious efforts to watch how much energy you are using and save a bit each month on usage.

  • Less daylight hours
  • Holiday lights
  • Cooler temperatures
  • Family gatherings
  • Winter break
  • Working remotely and attending school virtually

Less Daylight Hours
During the winter months it gets darker earlier. This means we’re turning our lights on sooner as well. During the summer months the sun often doesn’t set until after 7:30pm. We are able to rely on the light from the sun to keep our homes well lit. December-March we often experience darkness by 5pm on a daily basis. The longer our lights are on, the more energy we are using which will result in higher monthly utility bills.

Holiday Lights
Nobody wants to be dubbed a grinch during the holiday season so we decorate with the spirit of the holidays. This means we make everything light and bright. The more holiday lights that you use outside of your house, combined with the glowing lights on your Christmas tree will definitely add to the usage on your monthly utility bill.

Cooler Temperatures
The dip in the temperatures results in the increase of the heat used. Some houses run on electric and others run on gas. Depending upon how you heat your house, you are going to see one of your utility bills increase.

Family Gatherings
No one wants to turn their family away during the holidays. From November through the New Year many people host holiday parties, dinners and even fun events such as gift swaps and cookie days. The more people in the house means the more electricity used. You’ll want to have extra lights on to illuminate your home, have music playing and ensure all of your guests are comfortable and warm.

Winter Break
This is a glorious time for children to be out of school. Sometimes parents schedule their vacation time for the same few weeks. With the children home all day you are definitely going to notice an increase in utility usage and an increase in your grocery bill. They often enjoy electronics, snacks and sometimes even absently leave lights on when they leave. This is a great time to discuss conserving energy and being energy conscious.

Working Remotely and Attending School Virtually
2020 has been quite the year. While some regions of the US are working in person and attending school in person, other areas are completely remote. This is driving up utility bills everywhere. Combine the constant use of electronics and turning the home into a classroom and office and you will definitely notice an increase in your monthly utility expenses. You will want to research the cheapest electric company to help you evaluate your expenses and decrease your monthly utility bills.

Tips On Keeping Your Utility Bill Off The Naughty List This Holiday Season
When it comes to keeping your utility bill off of the naughty list you can follow a few of these tips to notice instant savings:

  • Turn the lights off when you leave a room
  • Encourage family members or roommates to also turn off lights and electronics while they are not in use
  • Install a smart thermostat so that you use less energy while away
  • Set lights to timers so they are not turned on until they are needed
  • Research for low cost energy providers in your area

By sticking to these tips you will help reduce your electricity and utility bills throughout the holiday season. The more money you can save on your utility expenses will equate to more savings that you can put towards holiday gifts or events.