Study Shows CBT Leads To Long-Term Benefits in People With Depression

Mental health issues are more common today than they have ever been in the past, and one of the most common examples is depression. Depression can manifest differently in different people, but taking a well-rounded approach to the treatment plan is essential. In general, a combination of therapy and prescription medication can help people who suffer from depression, and a study was recently published showing that cognitive behavioral therapy, usually shortened to CBT, can help someone who has been diagnosed with depression, particularly if their depression has not responded to other forms of treatment. 

What Did the Study Show?

The researchers took a look at people who have been diagnosed with depression but have not seen a lot of benefit from other treatment options. The study found that when CBT was prescribed in addition to their usual care, it effectively reduced depressive symptoms. CBT was also effective at improving someone’s quality of life. During the study, over 46 months, 43 percent of people who received CBT indicated that their symptoms had improved, indicating that their symptoms have reduced by at least 50 percent. In comparison, only 27 percent of those who did not receive CBT showed any significant improvement. Some other treatment options that people may have received in the study include traditional therapy and prescription medications.

How Does CBT Work?

Even though there is still a lot of research regarding the underlying principle of CBT, the main goal of CBT is to provide people with the skills they need to manage their symptoms effectively. CPT is a short-term therapy technique that helps people find ways to change their behavior by focusing on their thought patterns. It is believed that someone who suffers from depression has long-standing negative thought patterns that contribute significantly to their symptoms. Even though CBT might not be able to cure everyone, it can play an effective role in a well-rounded treatment plan. Helping people take a closer look at their thought patterns can help them change their thoughts, alter their outlook on life, and address many symptoms.

What Are the Benefits of CBT?

There are several significant benefits of CBT. As the study alluded to, CBT can be an effective treatment option for someone who has not found much success with other treatment options. Even though prescription medication can be beneficial in some situations, it is not necessarily as effective as certain forms of therapy, including CBT. If someone undergoes CBT in conjunction with prescription medications, they may be able to increase their chances of making a recovery. Furthermore, compared to prescription medication, someone undergoing CBT does not necessarily have to worry about as many complications and side effects, as CBT does not involve Someone putting something in their body.

Can CBT Help Other Types of Mental Health Issues?

Finally, CBT can also be an effective treatment option for other mental health issues. Even though it can be effective in the treatment of depression, it can also help people who have been diagnosed with anxiety. This includes not only generalized anxiety disorder but also social anxiety disorder. CBT can also be an effective treatment option for someone diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder, usually shortened to OCD. It is crucial for someone interested in learning more about the treatment option to reach out to a trained medical professional. They might need a referral to a mental health specialist.