How to look up an EIN number

Many people have asked “How do I find my EIN number?”. See how quick and easy it is to complete an EIN lookup.   

What is an EIN?

An EIN (Employer Identification Number)is a 9-digit number issued to businesses by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); one way to look at it is thinking of an EIN as a Social Security Number for businesses. The IRS issues EIN numbers in order to identify and track businesses for tax, and other related purposes. Businesses who do not have an EIN can obtain one for free by determining their eligibility and applying for it on the IRS website. A business will have to be officially formed before applying for an EIN number and will need to provide the business formation date and legal name upon application. Businesses are also able to apply for an EIN through the mail or by fax. 

The IRS will require a business to obtain an EIN number if it is a partnership, a multi-member LLC, a single-member LLC with employees, or a corporation, if it files for excise taxes, or if a business has employees. A business is therefore required to have an EIN in order to file business taxes, to hire employees and also, to apply for and obtain loans and credit from banking and other financial institutions. Normally, a business will only ever have one EIN number, only in certain circumstances will businesses be required to apply for a new EIN. A business who has recently altered its business structure, a business under new ownership or a business facing bankruptcy proceedings, will all need to apply for a new EIN number from the IRS. 

EIN number lookup 

Finding your EIN number is pretty straightforward, and can be found online, through your phone, or in your business documents.  Let’s discuss each method in turn. 

To find your EIN online, it is possible for you to search the original computer-generated confirmation that was issued to you by the IRS when you first obtained your EIN. The EIN of publicly-held companies can also be searched for on the US Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR online Forms and Filings database. To find your EIN number, go to the Filings page and search for the company, then select the SEC filing documents option to find the EIN on the first page. 

To find your EIN number via the phone, you can directly call the IRS, using their Business and Speciality Tax Line (800-829-4933). Anyone can call on any day between Monday and Friday, between the hours of 7a.m. and 7p.m Standard Eastern Time. The person calling to request the business’ EIN will be required to provide their social security number, as well as answer qualifying questions to prove ownership or that the person calling is authorized to receive the business’ EIN from the IRS. Once this has been established, you can request that the IRS fax you a copy of your EIN Letter.   

Finding your EIN number by looking through business documents is one of the easier options. An EIN is stated on a business’ tax return record; so simply by looking through your tax forms and documents, you will be able to find your EIN number. It is also possible to find your EIN number on business bank account records. Having an EIN number is a requirement for opening a business bank account, so it’s also worth a try looking at the original back account paperwork, or contacting your local bank to assist you. 

An EIN is a requirement for businesses to file taxes, to hire employees, to apply for loans and credit, so losing your EIN number may lead to bigger octables. But finding your business’ EIN number can be easily done on whatever platform you’re comfortable with, online, via the phone or looking through business tax and financial records.