Investing in Your Mind: The Sacred Soul Approach

Entrepreneur and author Drenda Thomas Richards proposes an unconventional perspective on personal and business growth during times of uncertainty. Her expertise as a spiritual mentor, subconscious mind guru, and accomplished writer emphasizes that it is essential to harness the strength of the mind.

The Power of the Mind: Investing in Inner Peace

For Drenda, the power held by the human mind is profound when it comes to molding one’s own perspective amidst tough times. 

“What you focus on, grows. Make sure your attention is focused on empowering yourself instead of fear and dread,” she says.

Drenda further recommends incorporating meditation and breathwork into our daily routine. These practices are investments in our mental and emotional well-being, yielding numerous benefits such as reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep quality, and enhanced focus.

Financial Wisdom: An Investment in Self

Drenda believes in aligning our work with our passions and aspirations, viewing this alignment as a form of investing in ourselves. 

She says, “If you’re looking for a more fulfilling and impactful career, start a side hustle which will not only generate additional income, but also, lay the groundwork for a potential transition to a new full-time endeavor in the future. Do what makes your soul sing!” 

She also emphasizes that prosperity can come from unexpected sources. She encourages people to maintain an open mindset and believe in the abundance that the universe can provide. “Don’t buy into the fear and hype in the media. Realize there is a higher Source for abundance, well-being, and prosperity.”

Cultivating Gratitude: Investing in Positive Perspectives

Investing in ourselves also involves cultivating an attitude of gratitude. Drenda believes that gratitude is a simple yet powerful way to shift our focus and energy. 

According to Drenda, one of the quickest ways to change your focus and energy is to find something to be grateful for. Gratitude is a simple yet powerful way to keep fear out of your thoughts.

She says, “By appreciating the small things in life, we can keep fear and worry at bay. Again, where is your focus? We can’t think grateful and fearful thoughts at the same time.”

As the mystic Meister Elkhart said, “If the only prayer you say in your entire life is ‘thank you’, that would suffice.”

The Power of Community: Investing in Connection

Drenda believes in the power of community and encourages individuals to get socially involved. 

By connecting with like-minded individuals who share similar values and goals, we invest in a supportive network that can provide encouragement during difficult times. 

Don’t know where to start? Try Pickleball! Not only is it a great form of exercise, it provides opportunities to meet new people and socialize.

Spirituality in Business: Investing in a Holistic Approach

The incorporation of spirituality into business practices is a revolutionary idea that Drenda champions all too well. 

She exemplifies how it can be done successfully through her Mindset Makeover programs, which help professional women uncover and release limiting beliefs that are keeping them trapped in toxic relationships and careers so that they can live a life of purpose—no matter the circumstances. 

Her Sacred Soul programs use well-being and spiritual tools—such asbreathing, self-hypnosis, mindfulness, meditation, and rituals—to create a healthy mind, spirit and body toconfidently create the meaningful, impactful, and fulfilling life one desires. 

By investing in oneself holistically, one can discover unprecedented levels of not only personal, but also financial success, as well as career satisfaction. 

We celebrate Drenda’s philosophy, which is based on values such as empathy, compassion, authenticity, transparency, honesty, heart-centeredness and courage. In the past, these have been qualities that were often overlooked in the corporate world, yet, as we enter a new paradigm, they are becoming accepted as core building blocks for success.

Healing from Trauma: Investing in Recovery

Drenda Thomas Richards’ work also extends to helping suicide survivors heal their guilt and grief. 

She believes anyone who has suffered trauma, and especially survivors,  can heal their guilt and grief, not just cope. 

She offers three things to remember to help the healing journey for those who have lost a loved one to suicide: The person who passed is no longer in pain, you are not responsible for the actions of others, and you can be happy and enjoy life again, guilt-free. 

This perspective is an investment in healing and recovery, acknowledging the possibility of moving forward after trauma.

During challenging times, it is important to know we hold the power to create change in our lives and in our world. Harnessing the power of our minds results in greater adaptability as we journey through life in a constantly shifting landscape.

For more about Drenda Thomas Richards and her approach to investing in your mindself, visit her website.