4 Tips to Make Working From Home Actually Work

work from home
source: pixabay.com

As we enter the last few weeks of a tumultuous 2021, we enter a new year with new working habits. Although 44% of companies don’t allow remote work, 16% of companies in the world are now 100% remote. Out of the global workforce, 25% worked exclusively from home whilst 20% worked some of the time from home in some sort of hybrid model.

More and more of us are working from home as the effects of the pandemic continue to be felt. Whilst many can work from home with ease, for others, it presents a number of difficult challenges. Here are four top times to make working from home actually work for you.

Exercise Your Body

It is important that when working from you don’t lose out on any the exercise activities that may have done when working from an office. Daily tasks like walking to and from the office or train station, going out for lunch, or walking around the office would help burn calories throughout the day.

By sitting at home all day, 5 days a week, there is a lot of exercise that are being lost and should be replaced. Make time in your daily schedule to do some sort of exercise. Going for a walk means you have a physical break from your home/office. As well give you the exercise, fresh air and sunshine your body needs, it gives you a mental break too, which leads us to the next tip

Exercise Your Mind

Equally important as exercising your body is exercising your mind. You need to have the ability to switch off from work and switch on to ‘you’ time. Working from home can mean working longer hours as the computer/phone stays on longer and closer in reach.

It is important to keep your mind active and fresh which is why reading is recommended. Scott Hughes, Creator of OnlineBookClub has provided an easy way to get paid for reading and reviewing books. Getting Free Books for Reviews is a great way to keep the mind active earn some extra income at the same time. This leads us nicely to the next tip

Take Up a Hobby

Hobbies are a great stress reliever and help you to take a break as well as offer new challenges and experiences. Hobbies like the onlinebookclub can also present a second income which in itself can be a stress reliever.

Find the right hobby that works for you and your time schedule and not can you explore and develop talent, but you will mentally and maybe even financially be in a better place.

Stay Social

It is all too easy to immerse yourself in your little world and lose the benefits of social interaction. Zoom meetings with work colleagues, friends, and family are necessary and great and all, but they can’t beat the face-to-face meetings.

Ensure you schedule in time to visit friends, family, and even work colleagues if possible. Setting time in the diary for lunches with friends or monthly meetings with colleagues, not only gives you much needed social interaction but can also provide a handy break and change from the routine of the working day.